Member Spotlight – Madeline Bellanger (Winds)

“Being in the PNNMB has given me the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself, and has pushed me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be.” |
Madeline is a sophomore at UNC Charlotte, double-majoring in applied anthropology and computer science with a concentration in cybersecurity. After graduation, she hopes to work for a government agency, where she can incorporate both degrees into her work. This is her first year as a member of PNNMB’s piccolo section. When she isn’t studying, Madeline enjoys painting, crafts and baking… specifically cheesecake.
Madeline is from Rockingham, North Carolina and graduated from Richmond Senior High School in 2017. She was a member of the Richmond Senior High School “Marching Raiders” all four years where she marched flute, piccolo and was drum major. She was the flute section leader her sophomore and junior years, and was drum major her senior year. Madeline was also the uniform manager during her sophomore and junior years. Her favorite thing about marching band is having the opportunity to create something that everyone can enjoy.
Here’s what Madeline has to say about the PNNMB:
“My freshman year of college, I unfortunately decided to not participate in marching band because I thought it would take up too much time and that it wouldn’t be as fun as high school. I was wrong! Being in the PNNMB has given me the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself, and has pushed me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. I have developed bonds with incredible individuals and have a group of people that I call my family.”
By Dr. Chesley Black, Student Leadership Program & Media Director