49ers Basketball Band

49ers Basketball Band
All UNC Charlotte and Greater Charlotte Consortium (e.g. CPCC) students may participate in the 49ers Basketball Band. The band provides musical entertainment, spirit, and support at all men’s and women’s home basketball games as well as at all conference tournament play. Explore our frequently asked questions below!
Who can play in the band?

All students who have experience playing piccolo, clarinet, alto/tenor saxophone, trumpet, mellophone, trombone, baritone, sousaphone/tuba, electric bass, and drumset/percussionists are welcome to seek membership in the 49ers Basketball Band.
Do I have to audition?
All students will audition by video on the Fight Song (no intros, mm. 25 to End), and Hurricane Season (mm. 1-27). Please submit videos via this form no later than 11:59pm on Friday, October 4th.
Music can be found in this folder. Bass players should use the Sousaphone part, drum set players should play in the style of the music, and with the recording provided in the audition folder.
Auditions are open now, and due Friday, October 4th!
Can I borrow an instrument?
It is expected that all mellophone, trombone, baritone, and sousaphone players will borrow a university-owned instrument. There is a limited stock of other instruments, which will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis.
What is the practice schedule?
There will be a few preseason rehearsals (typically in the Fall Semester). In the Spring semester there will be rehearsals in January and February (Mon/Wed, 5:30–6:45 p.m.). However, the band will not meet throughout the whole spring semester at that time.
What is the performance schedule?
Each member of the 49ers Basketball band will be assigned to one of two smaller pep bands. These smaller groups constitute half of the instrumentation of the full ensemble and will perform at all assigned home men’s and women’s games on a rotation basis. Each band may be asked to perform at additional performances as assigned. Any member not required for a particular game may still attend and is encouraged to do so. Every effort possible will be made to ensure equal rotation of the Green and White Pep Bands. Game Swaps are available to those who cannot attend their assigned games.
Will I get to travel?
YES! As per conference and NCAA regulations, pep bands may only travel with 29 members. Auditions will be held for tournament travel. The following will be considered for tournament travel:
- Instrumentation
- Attendance Records
- Participation at rehearsals and games
- Availability
- Seniority
- Audition
- Volunteer Performances and Extra Games
Do I get academic credit?
Yes, all students must enroll for “MUPF 1114” (found under “music performance”) for the spring semester and will receive one academic credit.
Will it cost anything?
There is no cost for MUPF 1114. Travel costs are also covered by the Department of Athletics.
For more information about the 49ers Basketball Band, please contact Dr. Brian Taylor, Director of Athletic Bands & Associate Director of Bands.