Can I join the marching band if I don’t attend UNC Charlotte?

Categories: FAQs

Yes! Students who have been deferred admission for the fall semester that will participate in the PASSPORT Program may participate in the marching band. Also, students who attend any of the institutions participating in the Greater Charlotte Consortium (e.g. CPCC) may participate in the marching band. There is an application that must be completed by […]

Are there expenses associated with being a member?

Categories: FAQs

Band members must purchase gloves and marching shoes. Colorguard must purchase dance shoes. All other uniform items are provided.

Will I be able to borrow an instrument?

Categories: FAQs

Percussion, sousaphones, baritones, mellophones and piccolos will be provided. Other instruments are available on a limited basis upon request. Please CONTACT US for specific needs.

Can I be in the marching band and other ensembles?

Categories: FAQs

Yes! You can be in as many music ensembles as your schedule allows.

Do I have to audition?

Categories: FAQs

All UNC Charlotte or CPCC students with previous band and/or colorguard experience are eligible to join PNNMB. There are auditions for drumline, feature twirler, colorguard, drum major and student leadership positions. Some sections have part assignment auditions that occur during Preseason Band Camp.

Do I have to attend a band camp?

Categories: FAQs

Yes. All members of PNNMB are required to attend Preseason Band Camp. The camp occurs every year in August and begins 1-2 weeks before the fall academic semester. During camp, members come together as one group to learn the basic fundamentals of marching and music and to learn pregame and halftime routines. Perhaps more importantly, […]

When does the marching band rehearse?

Categories: FAQs

PNNMB rehearses during the fall academic semester from 4:15–6:15 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There are also rehearsals prior to home games on Saturdays.

Do I have to enroll in a course to be a member?

Categories: FAQs

Yes. All students are required to enroll in “MUPF 1118” (found under “music performance”) for one academic credit.

Will I have time for marching band in my class schedule?

Categories: FAQs

Yes! We take great care to ensure that students are able to balance their time between band and their other classes. This is an ensemble which offers social activity, continued musical enjoyment and leadership opportunities to those who seek them.

Do I have to be a music major to march in the band?

Categories: FAQs

No. Only a small percentage of students are music majors. We have members that represent every major in every college.